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Posted: July 22nd, 2001 08:03 PM GEEKBOY'S IRON MAN GUIDE -INFINITE -GUARD BREAKING -STRATEGIES -TEAMS INFINITE The Iron Man infinite is a simple combination of buttons that has LIMITLESS ways of being setup and it's just about the most lethal air combo in the entire game. The sequence is simple j.LP, j.LP, pause, j.LK, pause, j.uHP, after three sequences or so, you will start to notice that the opponent will start to "fall" out of the infinite, to resolve this, you will have to use this sequence, j.LK, j.LP, pause, j.LK, j.uHP, the j.LK will knock them back up and you can just go back to using the regular sequence to continue the infinite, until they go into "dizzy" mode, basically, around 40-50 hits, the opponent will just fall out of the infinite, so either finish it off with an air combo or Proton Cannon. On bigger guys (Juggernaut, Blackheart, Sentinel), you will have to do one set of the j.LP, j.LP, j.LK, j.uHP and then one set of the j.LK, j.LP, j.LK, j.uHP because, well, they're heavier, and that's the game's physics system at work. -ASSISTS For the pop up, if you want to use an assist, use an anti air assist that only goes midscreen maximum or an expansion that maintains their positions and gives you enough time to get under them. Akuma's EXPANSION assist (When the first few hits of Akuma connect, connect with j.LK) Cyclops's ANTI AIR assist (j.HP, dash down, j.LP, j.UF HP) Psylocke's ANTI AIR assist (Just straight into the infinite with j.LP, j.LP, j.LK, j.UF HP, also, you can combo into this assist by doing c.LK + Psylocke, c.LP, j.LP, j.LP, j.LK, j.uHP) Dhalsim's GROUND assist (Call Dhalsim, use P or K throw, opponent will be juggled into air, jump into the infinite) Rogue's THROW assist (Call Rogue, get onto the side where she'll throw the person out, the SECOND she throws them out, do j.LK, j.LP, j.LK, j.uHP to catch them in the infinite) Cable's ANTI AIR assist (s.LK + Cable, s.LP, start infinite with j.LP *Special thanks to ytwojay*) Are the best setups for the infinite. -TO COMBO IN THE INFINTE To combo in the infinite you can do it one of two ways: Jump in with j.LK, j.LK, land, c.LK, c.LP (during the animation of the mini uppercut, reset the joystick back to neutral position, then do a manual superjump: D, U, then when you're at the same height with opponent cancel the jump with j.LP, air dash Fj.LP, j.UF HP, land, j.LK, j.LP, j.LK, j.UF HP) OR Launch, sj.HP, air dash DF, j.LK, j.LK, j.UF HP, land, infinite (Please note, that if you do the standard launcher chain: c.LK, c.LP, s.HK, this will not work, the c.LP, is the mini launcher, and when you do the real launcher, it will automatically put them at full superjump height, so do s.LK, s.HK for this setup) OR (Courtesy of BloodRiotIori) j.LK, j.uHK, land, infinite (This was the old school MvC1 War Machine infinite setup ^_^) OR (This setup, you must be in unfly mode, see "Advanced Flying Tactics" in Articles section of Shoryuken.com, to perform) c.LK, c.LP XX Fly, j.LP, j.LP, j.uHP, unfly, j.uHP, land, j.LK, j.LP, j.LK, j.uHP OR (In corner only): c.LK, c.LP, c.HK, LP Unibeam, jump into infinite -LINKING IN SUPER If they're in the corner, just keep doing the infinite until the last set, that's where you do one set of the infinite going UP instead UF and slow down the j.LK and j.HP (thanks to Sepehr), also, wait until you're pushed out just a bit so it'll land 100%. You could also just do j.LP, j.LP, j.LK, j.uHP (straight up), land, HP Repulser Blast, wait after two hits (the second will throw them to the other side), and then Proton Cannon. Another way (Special thanks to cheese_ma for telling the correct sequence) is with Dhalsim AAA for you White Dhalsim team freaks, it's: j.LP, j.LP, j.LK + Dhalsim, j.uHP, land, Proton Cannon. When you get to the corner, do one set of the infinite without pausing, and then one regular set, this will push you out far enough, and lower the opponent enough for you to land, s.HP XX Proton Cannon, which is probably, IMO the most easiest way to land the super at the end of the infinite. GUARD BREAKING Guard Breaking, as you've most likely read in the Articles section of the site (Props to Spider-Dan, ChoiBoy, and Omni for writing it) is very dangerous, especially if you're Iron Man, for you can guard break into the infinite, using either the U + HP or U + HK (I like using the U + HP, mostly because it's easier to see and the connecting isn't all that hard) to guard break and just start the infinite. This can be seen in the video that accompanies the article, you can just either Snapback or kill the opponent, wait till they jump in and then hit the U + HP and start the infinite. Another important note about guard breaking into the infinite is that you can also sometimes guard break into the infinite in midscreen, making this VERY lethal in the hands of a knowledgable player. STRATEGIES Iron Man, IMO, is one of the best characters in the game, sometimes, he outprioritizes Cable, which makes him very good against Cable or other keepaway people. Iron Man is very flexible when it comes to anything, he can play keepaway, rushdown, and runaway, all three basic forms of playing. Iron Man can be effective upclose, far away or in mid screen. AIR GAME Iron Man has a very strong air game, he's one of the best when he's in the air, he has MASSIVE priority with his Smart Bombs and Knee Stomp cancel. -Make use of the basic air combo, it's effective and it's strong. -Use his Air Dash/Fly combo: Launch, sj.LK, sj.U + HP, sj. U + HK, air dash up, sj.U + HP, sj.U + HK, activate Fly Mode (QCB + KK), sj.U + HP, HP Unibeam. - Use of his Smart Bombs (LK + HP), they have little lag time and they do some nice chip damage, what you would do is Superjump, air dash up, deploy Smart Bombs (aiming forward or back, depending on where the opponent is) and when you're falling, perform a neutral Fierce, for protection. -Use his Knee Stomp (D + HK) to get in and out of fly modes AND, you can cancel it into an air dash, this can save you a lot of times, especially when you know you're going to miss the Knee Stomp. GROUND GAME Iron Man has a very good ground game as well, with an easy to link super, and very good ground to ground superiority. -Use his c.LK, c.LP chain a lot, because he can link into his launcher, a Unibeam, Repulser Blast or, most importantly a Proton Cannon. -Use his Unibeam all, or most of the time in the air, because it has no lag. -His ground dash is fast, back and forth, but nothing comparable to Magneto or Storm's, so, don't treat it like it. -Take advantage of his knockdown (c.MK)) by using this combo to link into either his super or air combo: c.LK, c.LK, slight pause, s.LK, c.LP XX Proton Cannon OR s.LK, s.HK, air combo. -Avoid Smart Bombing on the ground, too much lag and you're open to a lot of punishment from a Cable or Magneto player. TEAMS Good teams to consider with Iron Man in them are pretty simple, the one I use: Iron Man(Projectile)/Cable(Anti Air)/Sentinel(Ground) is very dangerous and can be a great help. If you've seen the Japanese videos, you'll see that White does Triangle Jump (Superjump XX Airdash DF with attack, usually LK, LK or LP, DF HP) rushdowns, and they just downright killed LiquidMetal's Cable. Basic rushdown would be calling Sentinel, Triangle Jumping in with a Jab, DF Fierce and then try to start the mini launcher infinite chain or try for the launcher infinite. You should do your best to keep Cable out of the game, you can't risk him dying as he is a very dangerous insurance character with his simple guard break XX AHVB. If they jump in, Repulser Blast XX Proton Cannon DHC HSF (HSF, s.HP, HP Rocket Punch XX HSF, repeat) most of the time, you won't really need Cable if you're confident enough with Iron Man. Other teams to consider can be: Magneto(Capture)/Storm(Projectile)/Iron Man(Anti Air) -Magneto's Capture assist does setup the infinite, you do this by calling this assist, and doing a Punch throw, the assist will hit while you grab, thus knocking them out of the throw and into the hands of your infinite capabilites. Iron Man(Projectile)/Dhalsim(Ground)/Cyclops(Anti Air) -This is White's Dhalsim rushdown team, very effective, stick to Iron Man's assist and the s.LK, s.LK, s.HK and c.LP, c.LP, s.HP, and his j.HK, which pretty much is a great knockdown attack while in the air. Cable(Projectile)/Cyclops(Anti Air)/Iron Man(Projectile) -Pretty much you've got the basic Cable/Cyclops routine with Iron Man thrown in for rushdown. Doom(AAA)/Iron Man(Projectile)/Storm(Projectile) -This is a fun team to use since it's got a 100% DHC combo if you can pull it off. Storm can setup the infinite, but it's a rollable setup, it's done by: c.LK + Storm, c.LK, Storm OTGs knockup, dash forward, j.LK, j.LP, j.LK, j.uHP Doom(AAA)/Iron Man(Projectile)/Akuma(Expansion) -Good team, Akuma sets up for anything for this team like supers, the Infinite, air combos, a lot. __________________ GeekBoy: WTF are you lookin' at? Guides: Cable Iron Man Storm Magneto Dhalsim Doom Spiral Sentinel Strider Commando Blackheart Last edited by GeekBoy on September 9th, 2001 at 01:53 AM IP: Logged AMX The BeatMania Master Posts: 181 Registered: May 2001 Location: SHGL, CA Posted: July 22nd, 2001 08:15 PM you should put the genghis infinite in there geekboy. and this combo: c.lk, c.lp XX Flight, j.lp XX unfly, j.lp, j.up.FP, land, infinite. works in the shady k's and genghis's unfly mode! but not without. IP: Logged dc_guru The DC Champion Posts: 165 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: greater orlando Posted: July 22nd, 2001 09:13 PM does triangle jumping lk, mk, u+rk, land, infinite work also? __________________ Mag/Cable/Psy -------------- Spiral/Cable/Sent [Avatar created by me!] IP: Logged dc_guru The DC Champion Posts: 165 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: greater orlando Posted: July 23rd, 2001 03:42 AM someone confirm or deny my set-up? *bump* __________________ Mag/Cable/Psy -------------- Spiral/Cable/Sent [Avatar created by me!] IP: Logged GeekBoy 707's Freakazoid Posts: 988 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: Reppin' da 707, bok! Posted: July 23rd, 2001 03:48 AM quote: Originally posted by dc_guru someone confirm or deny my set-up? *bump* It works, but you have to do it early, or else you get too deep. __________________ GeekBoy: WTF are you lookin' at? Guides: Cable Iron Man Storm Magneto Dhalsim Doom Spiral Sentinel Strider Commando Blackheart IP: Logged KKCapcom2 clkcmpflpfmpfuphpufuphp Posts: 89 Registered: May 2001 Location: Norwalk, CT Posted: July 23rd, 2001 04:06 AM this is more ezer? c.lp, c.mp, xx fly fly.lp, fly.mp, fly.up+hp xx unfly unfly.up+hp, then do the infinite __________________ Im sick, tired, and hungry! Whats missing????????.......??????? Current Team Testing: Mega Man, Morrgan, CapCom IP: Logged ytwojay y2k was nothing... Posts: 271 Registered: Apr 2001 Location: southern hills golfland >=) Posted: July 23rd, 2001 04:30 AM quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy INFINITE Akuma's EXPANSION assist (Jump straight into the infinite, but you have to be below them) -TO COMBO IN THE INFINTE [/B] If you want to combo off of akuma's assist, maybe this is easier. Use his expansion, jump towards the end of the hurricane kick, and do j. lk, j. uf+hp the kick should hit after the last hit of the hurricane kick, and will raise them enough to start the infinite easily. also, because u names cable as a good partner along with sent for iron man, heres a way to combo the infinite with his assist. s. lk + assist, s.lp, start the infinite. the first two hits will keep them grounded until cable hits, and then you should be able to jump and start the infinite, and it looks sweet, too. -jay ^_^ __________________ things on ytwojay's mind: 1. i wish i went to B5 2. i wish i could do the magic throw in sf2 3. i wonder when mvc3 is coming out 4. street fighter 4 better 0wn 5. can i get into the tekken series now and become tournament material? 6. how can i make avatars? IP: Logged IcemanBling Member Posts: 54 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: Brooklyn Posted: July 23rd, 2001 04:40 AM nice guide, ill be lookin at it alot IP: Logged dc_guru The DC Champion Posts: 165 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: greater orlando Posted: July 23rd, 2001 04:49 AM I've found the easiest way to get into the infinite for me is to sj up smart bombs (hold back or foward or neither to make sure they get hit by it or block) if they got hit by smart bombs (lol iddiot) just air dash down lk, mk, U+rk, land, infinite or if they block it fall down (almost on top but just a tad to one side) then d+fp air dash to the other side, land, c lk+psy assist, c mp...if that hits just start the infinite or if they block just lp unibeam and then whatever...don't get predicitable (as always) because some of the faster/overpowered characters will find a way to punish. Also if you have doom assist just follow it with a triangle jump lk,mk,u+rk if it hits you can also infinite (don't throw doom out at random, the only reason this works is if the opponent is trying to punish doom AFTER he throws the rocks). you can also just try to dash in with c lk+psy, c mp, infinite..this is best used when you dump an assist (doom comes to mind) air dash over the opponent then dash in. Also use IM's gaurd break is VERY affective when you just killed a character and the next is about to come in...or you can just keep dashing to the side they drop in on then (don't hold foward just keep with PP) the moment they drop it it will switch sides and you can usually get a dashing (from hitting PP it will auto dash foward) c lk+psy, c mp, infinite. A rare but also very affective non assist set-up for the corner is dash c lk, s fp xx unibeam, infinite. __________________ Mag/Cable/Psy -------------- Spiral/Cable/Sent [Avatar created by me!] IP: Logged master ken Shoryurepa! Feel the burn Posts: 398 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: Montreal Posted: July 23rd, 2001 03:38 PM What are IM strats (With Cyclops aaa) VS mag and VS sentinel ? __________________ Ken expert. - I know Shotokan like the back of my hand! - The 'dragon' within me is always ready to strike. You should know from experience. - Only one is as good as I am...no, not even him (Ryu)! - I've beaten the best, and you're not even close! - Washing my boat would've been a better workout! - Not only am I disappointed, inside I'm laughing at you. - So now you know what it feels like to be a loser! - I have proven the difference between us: You just suck. - I had better challenges back in the day... - Next time I won't be so easy on you! - Get a life pin-head! IP: Logged Sepehr Senior Member Posts: 363 Registered: May 2001 Location: Posted: July 23rd, 2001 03:40 PM haha, nice guide man. Thanks for mentioning my name. To those of you who think you can just jump lk, lk, uHK and then go infinite: that does not work on everycharacter. In order to connect that move you will have to land the J.lk really close other wise you will not be able to land uhK AND THAT IS ONLY FOR BIG GUYS. On smaller characters this does not work. the setup using the unfly mode works perfectly but you will have to be in the unfly mode which means you will have to get hit by one move. Why bother anyways when there are easier ways. Cyc's anti air: there are lots of ways you can combo this into his infinity. The way that Geekboy mentioned is correct but there are other ways. If you just right when Cyc hits then you can just to the infinity but you will have to be really quick. You can also wait until cyc hits them then dash forward, superjumping hp, dash df lp, Uhp, land , and do the rest of the infinity. About the teams, i think the best team for ironman is Ironman, Sent, Psy. This team is the team that one of the top japanese members uses who will not be going ot b5 for somereason, "Nun". this team is quite effective and really good for those of you who can not combo C.lk, C.lp, superjumping lp, dash forward, .... Just superjump, dash df, lk, lk, quikly dash forward, call Psy, C.lk, C.lp, Psy hits, go infinite. no need for learning the hard way. His Down hk is a trick move. superjump, down hk, dash forward, while you are dashing call out an assist then go infinite. very important note: If you are trying to combo into his infinite using his launcher. Do not ever try to do it Off C.lk, C.lp, launch. This causes your opponent to go higher. If you are going to use the launcher setup just do C.lk, launch, and .... nothing else, well done Geekboy IP: Logged GeekBoy 707's Freakazoid Posts: 988 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: Reppin' da 707, bok! Posted: July 23rd, 2001 04:27 PM quote: Originally posted by ytwojay also, because u names cable as a good partner along with sent for iron man, heres a way to combo the infinite with his assist. s. lk + assist, s.lp, start the infinite. the first two hits will keep them grounded until cable hits, and then you should be able to jump and start the infinite, and it looks sweet, too. -jay ^_^ Great, I'll add this to the guide, I've been trying to figure out Cable's set up for a while. __________________ GeekBoy: WTF are you lookin' at? Guides: Cable Iron Man Storm Magneto Dhalsim Doom Spiral Sentinel Strider Commando Blackheart IP: Logged GeekBoy 707's Freakazoid Posts: 988 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: Reppin' da 707, bok! Posted: July 23rd, 2001 04:28 PM quote: Originally posted by KKCapcom2 this is more ezer? c.lp, c.mp, xx fly fly.lp, fly.mp, fly.up+hp xx unfly unfly.up+hp, then do the infinite I don't know, does this work? __________________ GeekBoy: WTF are you lookin' at? Guides: Cable Iron Man Storm Magneto Dhalsim Doom Spiral Sentinel Strider Commando Blackheart IP: Logged dc_guru The DC Champion Posts: 165 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: greater orlando Posted: July 23rd, 2001 05:30 PM For the triangle jump lk, mk, u+hk..if you have trouble with that just do lk, u+hk...and for small characters i have more sucess with lp, u+hk __________________ Mag/Cable/Psy -------------- Spiral/Cable/Sent [Avatar created by me!] IP: Logged StumP Protect Yo' Neck. Posts: 1070 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: Fremont CA [NorCal] Posted: July 23rd, 2001 06:03 PM GB, i thought you said you would have upcoming guides such as dhalsem, cyclops, spiral, etc. where as the last guide you made was one of the 4 in your sig and that was like a month ago.. __________________ s t u m p ™ __________________ IP: Logged KKCapcom2 clkcmpflpfmpfuphpufuphp Posts: 89 Registered: May 2001 Location: Norwalk, CT Posted: July 24th, 2001 09:12 PM quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy I don't know, does this work? YES it does, all u need is the unfly mode on,to BE able to do this. __________________ Im sick, tired, and hungry! Whats missing????????.......??????? Current Team Testing: Mega Man, Morrgan, CapCom IP: Logged GeekBoy 707's Freakazoid Posts: 988 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: Reppin' da 707, bok! Posted: July 25th, 2001 12:26 AM quote: Originally posted by StumP GB, i thought you said you would have upcoming guides such as dhalsem, cyclops, spiral, etc. where as the last guide you made was one of the 4 in your sig and that was like a month ago.. Dhalsim is up now. __________________ GeekBoy: WTF are you lookin' at? Guides: Cable Iron Man Storm Magneto Dhalsim Doom Spiral Sentinel Strider Commando Blackheart IP: Logged All times are GMT. The time now is 01:58 AM. Forum Rules: You may post new threads. You may post replies. You may post attachments. You may edit your posts. Posting Rules: HTML code is OFF. Smilies are ON. vB code is ON ([IMG] code is OFF).Admin Options: Open / Close Move / Copy Delete Edit Merge Split Stick / Unstick Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Copyright ©2000, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited.